The Maker's corner
Find here the advanced technical specifications and functionalities available to interact with our products.
Electronic signals

a. Ramp: Beat Sync
Transmits the ramp, an analog signal representing the rhythm and phase position.
b. Sound envelope
Transmits a simplified audio signal in order to recover the impulses and achieve “Sound Reactive” work.
c. State​
Binary description of musical ambiance.
0 = Calm (Not enough music)
1 = Scan (Not enough rhythm detected)
2 = Math (Rhythmic, optimal)
3 = Lost (Not enough dynamics)

MIDI is a commonly used protocol for creating music.
Our devices provide beat sync via 2 MIDI signals:
MIDI Control Change - OUT
This MIDI output is the real-time reproduction of the ramp, with a value from 0 to 127, as an effects pedal would do.
MIDI Control Change - IN
This same parameter is used as input to synchronize a slave device.
MIDI Time Clock (MTC)
Also called the MIDI Beat Clock, this signal is in pulse form.
It allows synchronization of most digital instruments, as well as many light controllers.
Compatible with :
Arena, Sunlite, GrandMa
Synchronizing Resolume Arena with MIDI Time Clock
The Velvet, (under development) will introduce serial transmissions, in order to customize edition and control.
We will provide you libraries and examples.

3D Print
This upcoming section will contain 3D models to print yourself, or to order from Sculpteo.